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Pàgina 2 de 403 Resultats 31 - 60 de 12084

Títol | AutorOrdena per:  ID  TITOL

Lobster Trap Limits: A Solution to a Communal Action Problem
Acheson, James M.
Human Organization, 1998, vol. 17, núm. 1, p. 43-52.
Patterns of gear changes in the Maine fishing industry: some implications for managment
Acheson, James M.
Maritime Anthropological Studies, 1988, vol. 1, p. 49-65
Technical innovation in the New England fin-fishing industry: an examination of the Downs and Mohr hypothesis
Acheson, James M.; Reidman, Robert
American Ethnologist, 1982, vol. 9, num. 3, p. 538-558
The Lobster Gangs of Maine
Acheson, James M.
London: University Press of New England, 1988
The Lobsters Fiefs Revised. Economic and Ecological Effects of Territoriality in the Maine Lobster I
Acheson, James M.
McCay, B; Acheson, J. (eds.). The Question of the Commons. Tucson: University Arizona Press, 1990, p. 37-65
The Politics of Managing the Maine Lobster Industry: 1860 to the Present
Acheson, James M.
Human Ecology, 1997, vol. 25, núm. 1, p. 3-27.
Variations in traditional inshore fishing rights in Maine lobstering communities
Acheson, James M.
Andersen, R. (ed.), North Atlantic Maritime Cultures, New York: Mouton, 1979, p. 253-277
Welcome to Nobel Country: A Review of Institutional Economics
Acheson, James M.
Anthropology and Institutional Economics. Lanham, Md. : University press of America, 1994, p. 3-41|
Les nouvelles peches maritimes mondials
Adam, P.
Etudes internationales, 1987, vol. XVlll, núm. 1| 1987
Artisanal Fishing
Adams, Tim
"East-West Center Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Issues in the Pacific Islands (University of Hawai
Governance of fisheries and aquaculture in the Pacific Islands region
Adams, Tim
"3rd Dialogue on the ACP-EU Research Initiative Belize (December 1996) | 1996"
Inshore resources management and conservation: current trends and alternate strategies
Adams, Tim
Pacific Science Association Inter-Congress meeting (Marine Resources symposium) Suva, Fiji, July 199
Management of Pacific Island Inshore Fisheries
Adams, Tim
3rd Australasian Fisheries Managers Conference, 2 - 4 August 1995, Rottnest Island, Western Australi
Fish out of water: an archaeologist's view of Archaeoicthyology
Addyman, P. V.
Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the ICAZ Fish Remains Working/Group. (York, 9-12 september 1987
Resolution (1) on ACP-EU trade relations in the fisheries sector and the sanitary standards for the
African, Caribbean and Pacific - European Union (ACP-EU). Joint Assembly, 27th session (Brussels, 21
EC Fisheries Bulletin / CE Cooperation Pêche Bulletin, 12(1): Supplement: 1| 1999
Resolution on the impact of structural assistance to the European fisheries sector on the sustainabl
African, Caribbean and Pacific - European Union (ACP-EU). Joint Assembly, 28th session (Strasbourg,
EC Fisheries Bulletin / CE Cooperation Pêche Bulletin, 12(1): Supplement: 3| 1999
Guia para la preservación del pescado
Agencia Internacional de Desarrollo
Mexico-Buenos Aires: Agencia para el desarrollo internacional. Centro regional de ayuda técnica, 197
Mediterranean basin scale study to look at environmental processes impacting fish distribution and h
Agostini, Vera
Towards the Use of Geographic Information Systems as a Decision Support Tool for the Management of M

Pàgina 2 de 403 Resultats 31 - 60 de 12084