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Pàgina 403 de 404 Resultats 12061 - 12090 de 12115

Títol | AutorOrdena per:  ID  TITOL

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Management of Pacific Island Inshore Fisheries
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Inshore resources management and conservation: current trends and alternate strategies
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Governance of fisheries and aquaculture in the Pacific Islands region
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Artisanal Fishing
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Les nouvelles peches maritimes mondials
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Welcome to Nobel Country: A Review of Institutional Economics
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Variations in traditional inshore fishing rights in Maine lobstering communities
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The Politics of Managing the Maine Lobster Industry: 1860 to the Present
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The Lobsters Fiefs Revised. Economic and Ecological Effects of Territoriality in the Maine Lobster I
Acheson, James M.
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The Lobster Gangs of Maine
Acheson, James M.
London: University Press of New England, 1988
Technical innovation in the New England fin-fishing industry: an examination of the Downs and Mohr hypothesis
Acheson, James M.; Reidman, Robert
American Ethnologist, 1982, vol. 9, num. 3, p. 538-558
Patterns of gear changes in the Maine fishing industry: some implications for managment
Acheson, James M.
Maritime Anthropological Studies, 1988, vol. 1, p. 49-65
Lobster Trap Limits: A Solution to a Communal Action Problem
Acheson, James M.
Human Organization, 1998, vol. 17, núm. 1, p. 43-52.
Clearcutting Maine: Implications for the Theory of Common Property Resources
Acheson, James M.
Human Ecology, 2000, vol. 28, núm. 2, p. 145-169.
Anthropology of Fishing
Acheson, James M.
Annual Review of Anthropology, 1981, vol. 10, p 275-315.
Contribución al estudio de la consolidación de Vigo como comunidad persquera: innovaciones tecnológicas y construcción de embarcaciones pesqueras
Abreu Fernández, L. Fernanda
Jornadas sobre Economía y Sociología de las Comunidades Pesqueras (20, 21, 22 de Mayo de 1987). Madrid : el Ministerio, DL 1989, p. 155-177
Mediterranean Marine Demersal Resources. The Medits International Trawl Survey (1994-1999)
Abelló, P; Gil de Sola, L.; Papaconstantinou, C.; Relini, G.; Souplet; A.
Sciencia Marina, 2002, núm. 66, supl. 2

Pàgina 403 de 404 Resultats 12061 - 12090 de 12115